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Partitioning a New Disk

If you bought new disk you need to partition it and install OS in one of these partitions. I have 512Gb NVMe disk.

Boot Configuration

BIOS Setup

First of all, you must have a Boot Configuration like this:

 -------- Boot (tab) -------------

# 1 [P0: P3-256]
# 2 [UEFI OS (P0: P3-256)]
# 3 [UEFI: JetFlashTranscend …]

# 1 [P0 P3-256]
# 2 [NE-512]
# 3 [JetFlashTranscend ...]
CSM PARAMETERS (subsection)

Boot option filter: [UEFI and Legacy]
Launch PXE OpROM: [UEFI only]
Launch storage OpROM policy: [UEFI only]
Launch Video OpROM policy: [Legacy only]
Other PCI device ROM priority: [Legacy OpROM]




KDE Partition Manager

  1. Make new partiion table (select the msdos type; Windows may not be install in the gpt type)

  2. Make new partition ntfs (size: 60Gb)

  3. Make another new partition ntfs (size: remainder; with 550Mb free space after)

  4. Make extra partition

  5. Edit mount point:

    • first: /mnt/sdc1
    • second: /mnt/sdc2
  6. Apply config

  7. Make two dirs in bash:

    • /mnt/sdc1
    • /mnt/sdc2
  8. Edit mount point again

  9. Mount two new partitions with KDE Partition Manager


Installation Error

If you get some error during the installation:

couldn't partition ...

Rufus: Add a 600 mb partition in rufus settings

Change Disk Order in BIOS

Ventoy: If you have multiple SSD, HDD or NVMe disks or mix from them, you, first of all, must set the order to the disk, where you want to install Windows, right after the the LIVE CD flash.

Do it right inside Windows installer:

  1. Press Shif + F10 (opens command line terminal)
  2. (in the command line terminal) type following commands:
list disk
select disk 2 # where you want to install windows
create partition primary size=60000 # or another size
format fs=ntfs quick
list volume

and enter to the windows install process again. Your partition be signed as a system type.

Edit Partition in cmd

If you want edit a partition:

list partition
select partition

disk 0 clean # partition number for Windows installation
disk 0 create partition primary
disk 0 active
disk 0 format fs=ntfs quick
disk 0 assign

Delete extra Windows Boot Loader

If you see two versions of Windows when booting you need to delete one of the Windows Boot Loaders:

bcdedit /delete {7ca97355-3bf6-11eb-95ba-ac7b2907d2c6}

With id another one Windows Boot Loader.


Needs to do if you see two entries of Windows on grub menu when booting

Helpful Commands

If installed Windows don't want start...

Single Windows

bootrec /fixmbr
bootrec /fixboot
bootrec /scanos
bootrec /rebuildbcd


bcdboot c:\windows /s c: /l en-us

Multiple Windows

list volume

select with system type

select volume ?
assign letter=z
bcdboot c:\windows \s z: /f all
bcdboot c:\windows /s z: /f uefi