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New Windows Setup

Get recent insider's win.iso from UUP Dump

Get a new Windows.iso...

see: get recent win.iso from UUP Dump

setup Ventoy (remove Win11 check)

Make a USB stick (Live CD), and copy/past Windows.iso to it...

see: setup Ventoy (remove win11 check)

Make Partitions on the Disk

Split your new disk into two or more partitions, and start installing Windows...

see: partitioning-new-disk

Move C:\Users to F:\Users

Pause the Windows installation at the middle to move C:\Users folder to another place...

see: move C:\Users to F:\Users

Make 4 Magic Folders

Directory Tree

F:\ # root directory of second partition

├── OneDrive
│   └── super # starter apps

├── Yandex.Disk-visi
│   ├── middle # additional apps
│ └── english-polyglot

├── Yandex.Disk-parsh
│ ├── hm
│ └── textblock

├── ...

Google Drive (P:)
├── MyDrive
│  ├── down # working apps
│ └── work # working files

Install Clouds

1. Google Chrome

Default install --> C:\Program Files\Google

Open your Microsoft Edge browser (Windows installs it by default). Look the link in the collection Super of browser.


When you installed Google Chrome, the following links are located in the Super bookmark folder of your Google Chrome.

Linking Yandex Accounts

You can connect/reconnect Yandex.Disk to any Yandex account. Firstly, you need to be logged in, and secondly, configure the location of your local folder.

Later you can logout and login to another Yandex account.

Linking to two Yandex accounts
1. Force install --> F:\Yandex.disk-visi    # with 10Gb size
2. Force install --> F:\Yandex.disk-parsh # with 30Gb size
Yandex.Disk Folder Location

You can change Folder location in Yandex.Disk at any time after installation. Which is very convenient! To do that, open Yandex.Disk Settings and click Change folder location...

Read more: 7329379

Auto install --> G:\MyDrive virtual drive!

Google Drive Folder Location

After the update, GoogleDrive can only be on a virtual drive. Any attempts to change the location were unsuccessful.

Force install --> F:\OneDrive

One Drive Folder Location

If you need to fix the folder location on OneDrive, you need to open the OneDrive Settings and select unlink this PC.

Avoid Duplication


After the initial default installation of one of the cloud services, you will get a folder with the default location set to C:\User\user-name.

And if you later change the location of this folder, you'll have to manually delete the default folders with all the contents to avoid duplication.

Permission Issue During Removing

If you are facing with permissions issue when deleting the default OneDrive folder, follow these steps. Run cmd.exe as admin and run in cmd terminal these commands :

taskkill /im explorer.exe
This is dangerous!

To avoid data loss, do not forcefully empty the remote cloud storage trash when you change the location of your local storage.

Install Git-linked apps

choose System Installer, installation to F:\Program Files\VS Code

Download VS Code for Windows

To sync VS Code I chose PaPa31(GitHub) account

Install Git-Bash and SSH setup


If you choose the non-portable version it will not automatically put a Git-Bash entry in settings.json of Windows Terminal. Manual configuration required.

Fonts Installation


7. Fira Code

  • Fira Code Retina

Mainly for VS Code

8. Cascadia Code

  • CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font Mono

With Powerline glyphs. Mainly for PowerShell terminal (git).


Some glyphs is non-existence. Take another font CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font Mono. Downloads here: Font Downloads. Add to settings: "fontFace": "CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font Mono",

Installing Fonts

Both above fonts installing similar:

  1. Download zip
  2. Unzip
  3. Open ttf folder
  4. Select all files
  5. Right-click
  6. Select Install (MX Linux: Actions > Install... )

additional apps #todo

Install Nodejs

You can use nvs on Windows and nvm on Linux.

Optional Configuration


This section is my experience.

bats, sys & regs

In this folders contains scripts to automate the configuration.

Need to set storage folders in Windows Settings menu. And set right-click context menus. To avoid the errors when set the folders.


In my Yandex.Disk-visi lays the Super folder. But this folder must be in the OneDrive folder and be very light. With couple programs (installers). The others I can found by another ways (via hm site, for example).

TODO: Install Yandex.Disk, downloads all Yandex.Disk-visi files. Make another folder: Middle. Move not relevant files from the Super folder to Middle. Move Super folder to OneDrive.

  1. Install Yandex.disk:

Desktop Icons

After copying the F: disk the Desktop Icons is shown.

But after copying from another disk (cloning) the Desktop Icons disappear.


Read Dead Redemption 2

VS Code

VS Code started well (except font), but I've got this:

Looking for git in: C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe
Looking for git in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\cmd\git.exe
Looking for git in: C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe
Looking for git in: C:\Users\parsh\AppData\Local\Programs\Git\cmd\git.exe
Git installation not found.

And GitLens plugin gave the error about Git absence.

Need to reinstall the portable Git-Bash version to my default folder 'F:'?

Another error massage:

Git not found. Install it or configure the git.path

I opened VS-Code setting.json and add the line:

"git.path": "F:\\Portable\\Git\\cmd\\git.exe"

And if VS Code terminal doesn't want to work, add the following to the end of your System Environment Variable:

Environment Variable

This line works but you won't need it if you have installed a non-portable version of Git-Bash.

All apps requiring customization after copy/paste from cloud service cannot be portable.

If a workflow requires communication between app, portability is irrelevant.


Git-Bash doesn't work fine out-of-the-box. Pushing to remote doesn't work. Need ssh setup.

SSH Setup

Every new machine need to be verificated through a new pair keys? Yes, most likely.

Windows Terminal