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7.28 Refs With React Hooks

I automatically want to click this button here whenever this entire page loads.

import React, { useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import classes from "./Cockpit.css";

const cockpit = (props) => {
const toggleBtnRef = useRef(null);

useEffect(() => {
console.log("[Cockpit.js] useEffect");
// Http request...
// setTimeout(() => {
// alert("Saved data to cloud!");
// }, 1000);;
return () => {
console.log("[Cockpit.js] cleanup work in useEffect");
}, []);


return (
<div className={classes.Cockpit}>
<p className={assignedClasses.join(" ")}>This is really working!</p>
<button ref={toggleBtnRef} className={btnClass} onClick={props.clicked}>
Toggle Persons

export default React.memo(cockpit);

So that is how you can set references with the useRef() hook, here when using React hooks in functional components and that also hopefully served as an example of how useEffect() works and how it actually executes this function only after this JSX code was passed and rendered for the first time, so that React did have a chance of connecting your reference here.