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7.20 Windows Users Must Read

On Windows, the Aux.js  filename is not allowed in ZIP archives. Hence when extracting the attached source code, you might get prompted to rename the Aux.js  file. You might also face difficulties creating an Aux folder and Aux.js file.

I really apologize for that inconvenience, Windows is really doing an amazing job here ;-).

Follow these fixes:

1) Problems when unzipping the attached file:

Simply skip this step (e.g. by pressing "No") and ignore the upcoming error message.

In the extracted folder, you'll then find all source files EXCEPT for the Aux.js  file. In later course modules (where we work on the course project), the Aux.js  file can be found in an Aux/  subfolder inside hoc/ .

Make sure to take the Aux.js  file attached to this lecture and place it inside the hoc/  or hoc/Aux/  folder (which ever of the two you got).

2) Problems with the creation of an Aux folder and/ or file:

Simply name both differently. For example, you may create an Auxiliary  folder and name the file inside of it Auxiliary.js . Make sure to then adjust your imports (import Aux from './path/to/Auxiliary/Auxiliary' ) and you should be fine.