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7.06 Class Component Lifecycle Overview

Lifecycle only available in class-based components.

And functional components when using React hooks have an equivalent.

Component Lyfecycle

1. Component Creation

Lifecycle Creation Learning Card PDF

Lificycle hooks & Lifecycle goes


Not to be confused with React Hooks!

  1. constructor(props) executes (default ES6 feature)
    DO: Set up State
    DON'T: Cause Side-Effects

  2. getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) (default lifecycle hook > React 16.3)
    static method
    DO: Sync State
    DON'T: Cause Side-Effects

  3. render()
    Returns JSX.
    DO: Prepare & Structure your JSX code
    DON'T: No timeouts and Side-Effects

  4. Render Child Components

  5. componentDidMount() (very important Lifecycle hook)
    class-based comps
    DO: Cause Side-Effects
    DON'T: Update State (triggers re-render)