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7.23 Another Form HOC

Using regular JavaScript...

This higher order component has the purpose of adding a div with a certain CSS class around any element and therefore, getting that class name that should be added makes a lot of sense, of course you can also accept as many arguments as you want based on what your higher order component does.

WithClass.js → withClass.js

The lowercase because we'll not use this as a component anymore because well, it isn't a component anymore, it's a normal function, a function that returns a component function but not a component itself.

import React from "react";

const withClass = (WrappedComponent, className) => {
return (peops) => (
<div className={className}>
<WrappedComponent />

export default withClass;
import Aux from "../hoc/Auxiliary";
import withClass from "../hoc/withClass";

return (
onClick={() => {
this.setState({ showCockpit: !this.state.showCockpit });
Remove Cockpit
{this.state.showCockpit ? (
) : null}

export default withClass(App, classes.App);