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KDE Klipper Regex

Right click on Klipper icon > Open Configure > Actions > + Add Action

Simple Translation

  • Description (for edit):
  • Command:
  • Output Handling: Add to Clipboard
  • Description (for Ctrl+Alt+R menu):

Auto Detect Language Traslation

Squeeze annoying spaces and newlines

Remove Subtitle Timers

  • Description: remove subtitle timers

  • Command:

    echo %s | sed  's/^[0-9][^A-Za-z]*$//' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\(.\)\n\n/\1 /g' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n//g'
    Explanation: simple and GNU sed
    1. First sed removes all the digits before each text block.
    2. Then two GNU sed follow. They read the whole fragment in a loop (':a;N;$!ba). And the first one removes the double /n before each text block. And the second one is after text block.
  • Output Handling: Add to Clipboard

  • Description: Remove Subtitle Timers

Copy the snippet with timer encoding from any .srt file:

.srt fragment
00:00:04,190 --> 00:00:08,120
Hi there, welcome ethereal and Solidity Development Chorus Preview.

00:00:08,150 --> 00:00:10,670
My name is Phillip and I love your instructor.

00:00:11,030 --> 00:00:16,220
Now let's take a look at what you are going to build in this course, and after that, I will be talking

00:00:16,220 --> 00:00:20,380
about the requirements and features you are going to work on.

and press Ctrl+Alt+R > Select Remove Subtitle. Then hover your mouse over Clipboard icon. You have to see:

Hi there, welcome ethereal and Solidity Development Chorus Preview. My name is Phillip and I love your instructor. Now let's take a look at what you are going to build in this course, and after that, I will be talking about the requirements and features you are going to work on.

Clear & Translate

This command first clears the line, and then translates it:

  • Description: clear & translate

  • Command:

    translate en ru $(echo %s | sed  's/^[0-9][^A-Za-z]*$//' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\(.\)\n\n/\1 /g' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n//g' )

We have now redirected the above output to a variable.

  • Output Handling: Add to Clipboard

  • Description: Clear & Translate

Read more: How Do I Redirect Output To A Variable In Shell



Klipper example: Use Klipper Clipboard Actions For Better Productivity

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