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Delete Closed Pull Request

After branching the entire project into branches, I got several pull requests on GitHub. I opened the first pull request and merged the two branches, removing the conflicting code.

Then I revert pull request, then ran git pull and saw awful picture:

Pull Request Haos


By the way, my alias git l it is A DOG:

git log --all --decorate --oneline --graph

I thought it was irreparable. But then I found this link and remove the extra pull requests.


  1. First of all, I ran git checkout af44 and put the HEAD on the treetop

  2. Then I made two times git reset HEAD^, and moved down to master branch

After that I run git push origin +HEAD but got an error!

  1. Then I ran git checkout master

  2. And repeat git push origin +HEAD

One remote was gone.

One Remote Gone

Then I did all the manipulations described in the mentioned post.


  • reopen the pull request

reopening the pull request is simply opening a new pull request.

  • git checkout Person
  • git push --force
  • git pull

After that the second remote was gone.

Then I went to GitHub, closed another pull request (about 'revert'), and after that I removed the revert-1-Person branch and temporarily the gh-pages branch.

After doing this, I cloned the remote repo, did npm run deploy to bring back the gh-pages branch, and saw that the unneeded pull requests were gone.

Maybe it will be helpful, link to my GitHub repo: