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All Self Built Extensions

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Press Ctrl+Shift+B to start the build task. Run the extension: press F5, then press Ctrl+Shift+P and run command from list below (then, to stop vs-code engine, press Shift+F5):

  1. vscode-helloworld Your First Extension
    • Hello World
  2. web-view Webview
    • Cat Coding: Start new cat coding session
  3. vscode-languagetool My First Stab At A Grammar Extension For VS Code
    • If you get an error, press Debug anyway
    • Make any file with text and save it
    • Run LanguageTool
  4. lsp-sample Language Server Extension Guide
    • Run Launch Client
    • Make .txt file with the text ANY browser. ANY host. ANY OS.
    • The validator creates diagnostics for all uppercase words length 2 and more. See the page above.
    • Run Attach to Server
    • Or run Client + Server instead