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Import Code To Use

You can write React code components and inject them to markdown pages.


Make React component

First, create a BackgroundImage folder in the src/page directory, create a new index.js file there, and place this code in it:

import React from 'react';
import styles from './styles.module.css';

const BackgroundImage = (props) => {
return (
style={{paddingBottom: '0px'}}>
<div className="container">
<section className="margin-top--lg margin-bottom--xl">
<div className={styles.portfolio_section__projects}>
{ ? ( => (
backgroundImage: item.url,
'background-image 0.3s ease-in-out 0s, background-size 0.2s ease 0s',
filter: 'none',
<div className={styles.portfolio_section__project_title}>
) : (
<p>Photos is empty</p>

export default BackgroundImage;

The highlighted lines above are required because of TypeError: Cannot read property 'map' of undefined during server-side rendering (when you run npm run build).

What this code do?

This component will insert multiple images (as css background-image) into the markdown page. You only need to pass the image url , title and text from markdown page to the React component as props.

Add styles

.portfolio_section__projects {
--width: 100%;
--columns-count: 3;
--column-gap: var(--size-xs, 20px);
--row-gap: 0;
display: grid;
width: var(--width);
grid-template-columns: repeat(var(--columns-count), minmax(0, 1fr));
grid-column-gap: var(--column-gap);
grid-row-gap: var(--row-gap);

.landing_grid__column_size_full {
--column-size: var(--grid-columns-count, 12);
grid-column-start: span var(--column-size);

.portfolio_section__project {
width: 100%;

.portfolio_section__project_image {
position: relative;
z-index: 1;
overflow: hidden;
width: 100%;
height: 0;
margin-bottom: var(--size-l, 40px);
padding-top: 68.33%;
cursor: pointer;
transition: background-size 0.2s;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center;
background-size: 100%;

.portfolio_section__project_image:hover {
background-size: 120%;

.portfolio_section__project_title {
margin-bottom: var(--size-xxs, 16px);
cursor: pointer;
font: var(--font-subtitle, 20px/1.2em Suisse, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif);

.portfolio_section__project_description {
margin-bottom: var(--size-xxs, 16px);
color: #828586;
font: var(--font-body, 20px/1.2em Suisse, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif);

These styles will be place the images by 3 per line. Each image will have a card style with title and description text.


Import the component

Add this code directly into your any markdown page:

import BackgroundImage from '@site/src/pages/BackgroundImage';

export const threePhotos = [
url: 'url("")',
title: 'Serverless',
text: 'Создавать простые навыки Алисы на базе Yandex Cloud Functions'
url: 'url("")',
title: 'Kubernetes®',
text: 'Запускать контейнеры и создавать кластер с помощью Yandex Managed Service for Kubernetes®'
url: 'url("")',
title: 'Управляемые базы данных',
text: 'Настраивать кластеры управляемых баз данных, хранить и анализировать данные в облаке'

<BackgroundImage photos={threePhotos} />

Note the mdx-code-block title after first 3 backticks.


You should see this:

Создавать простые навыки Алисы на базе Yandex Cloud Functions
Запускать контейнеры и создавать кластер с помощью Yandex Managed Service for Kubernetes®
Управляемые базы данных
Настраивать кластеры управляемых баз данных, хранить и анализировать данные в облаке

Separate page

If you want your component to be rendered on a separate page, you need to first copy above code to a single page (with little differences):

About the alias @site

In Docusaurus, the @site alias always points to the root folder.

import React from 'react';
import Layout from '@theme/Layout';
import BackgroundImage from '@site/src/pages/BackgroundImage';

const threePhotos = [
url: 'url("")',
title: 'Serverless',
text: 'Создавать простые навыки Алисы на базе Yandex Cloud Functions',
url: 'url("")',
title: 'Kubernetes®',
text: 'Запускать контейнеры и создавать кластер с помощью Yandex Managed Service for Kubernetes®',
url: 'url("")',
title: 'Управляемые базы данных',
text: 'Настраивать кластеры управляемых баз данных, хранить и анализировать данные в облаке',

export default function MyComponents() {
return (
<BackgroundImage photos={threePhotos} />

Place a link with href /myComponents:


to your markdown file. And you can click to see your new page.

Add these highlighted lines at the top of your sidebars.js:

module.exports = {
Docs: [
type: 'link',
label: 'myComponents',
href: '/myComponents',
type: 'autogenerated',
dirName: '.',

You should now have a working myComponents link at the top of the sidebar.