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Once upon a time I found this page: from this repo.

Initial file

I downloaded it from the repo's gh-pages branch and saved as

After grabbing via Web Clipper (Chrome browser plugin), this file needed to be edited. The Table of Content links in this file do not work correctly, and some code blocks look ugly.

Edit with sed & Regular Expressions

Initially I was processing the file along with the TOC (Table Of Content):

cat | sed -e 's/ \/>/><\/a>/g' -e 's/\* \(\w.*$\)/\* **\1**/g' -e 's/^    //g' -e 's/^### /### \&emsp; /g' | less

But then I deleted the TOC because it is automatically generated by Docusaurus (from the h2 & h3 headers) and simplified the code a bit:

cat | sed -e 's/\*   \(.*$\)/\* **\1**/g' -e 's/^### /### \&emsp; /g' >

Resulting file

Finally I manually edited the resulting file and got this:

Git Best Practices