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Ones' Complement

Another system representation of negative numbers is ones' complement.

"Ones' complement" because a negative number is a "complement" to its positive counterpart up to 1. That is, if you add, bit by bit, the number and its negative counterpart, you get 11..1112.

To find negative counterpart, simply invert all bits of a given positive number.

Ones' complement form of 011011002(9910) is 100100112(-9910). If you add this two numbers, you get 1 in all bits.

 01101100   99
10010011 -99

But this is just a clarification of the term "ones' complement".

To add two numbers represented in this system, you need:

  1. Find counterpart
  2. Add bit by bit (not forget about carry)
  3. If occurred do the end-around carry

Example: Add +210 and -110

    binary   decimal
00000010 +2
11111110 -1
-------- --
1 00000000 0 incorrect
1 add carry
00000001 +1 correct


  • two zeros

From: Signed Number Representation (Wikipedia)