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Binary Numbers

Binary numbers are very simple. In ancient Egypt and China, people coded some kind of logic using binary numbers. Leibniz saw in this the mystery of God: it is something from which the World is created from nothing -> something. Creatio ex nihilo (Latin for "creation out of nothing").

  • 0 - no light
  • 1 - there is light

God's binary

Binary/Boolean Logic

Boole compiled truth table later. AND, OR, NOT etc.

Useful Counter

This counter shows how to count in binary from numbers zero through thirty-one.


Binary Numbers


Addition is performed with carry. If 1 + 1.

  1 1  <- carry

10101 = 21
1110 = 14
100011 = 35

Addition Table:



   0111 = 7
1010 = 10
1 1101 WTF?

Binary subtraction cannot subtract a large negative number from a small positive number (7-10)?????

You need to choose a different representation.

Subtraction with two's complement representation:

A - B = A + not B + 1

From: Binary Numbers (Wikipedia)