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3.19 Function Components Naming

In the next lecture, we’ll learn how to manage state in functional components (instead of class-based components).

In case you’re getting an error with the code shown in the next lecture, simply assign a capitalized variable name to the variable that holds your functional component.



const App = () => { ... }

instead of

const app = () => { ... }

Technically, that’s not required but depending on your project setup, the built-in linter (a code quality checking tool) that comes with create-react-app might not like the lowercase variable name.

You can also avoid this by creating projects with the right react-scripts version, which I would recommend for this course anyways (see the setup video, lecture 26):

create-react-app my-app --scripts-version 1.1.5


npx create-react-app react-complete-guide --scripts-version 1.1.5