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3.03.0 Create New React App

First, you need to choose a framework.


The frameworks recommended on this page don’t require configuration to get started (see:

Without a Framework

You can simply add React as a plain <script> tag on an HTML page, optionally with JSX.

This is also the easiest way to integrate React into an existing website. You can always add a lager framework if you find it helpful!



Create-react-app doesn’t handle backend logic or databases; it just creates a frontend build pipeline, so you can use it with any backend you want. Under the hood, it uses Babel and webpack.

The React team primarily recommends these solutions:

  • If you’re learning React or creating a new single-page app, use Create React App.
  • If you’re building a server-rendered website with Node.js, try Next.js.
  • If you’re building a static content-oriented website, try Gatsby.
  • If you’re building a component library or integrating with an existing codebase, try More Flexible frameworks.