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11.18 Parsing Query Parameters And Fragment

You learned how to extract route parameters (=> :id  etc).

But how do you extract search (also referred to as "query") parameters (=> ?something=somevalue  at the end of the URL)? How do you extract the fragment (=> #something  at the end of the URL)?

Query Params:

You can pass them easily like this:

<Link to="/my-path?start=5">Go to Start</Link>


pathname: '/my-path',
search: '?start=5'
>Go to Start</Link>

React router makes it easy to get access to the search string:

But that will only give you something like ?start=5

You probably want to get the key-value pair, without the ?  and the = . Here's a snippet which allows you to easily extract that information:

componentDidMount() {
const query = new URLSearchParams(;
for (let param of query.entries()) {
console.log(param); // yields \['start', '5'\]

URLSearchParams  is a built-in object, shipping with vanilla JavaScript. It returns an object, which exposes the entries()  method. entries()  returns an Iterator - basically a construct which can be used in a for...of...  loop (as shown above).

When looping through query.entries() , you get arrays where the first element is the key name (e.g. start ) and the second element is the assigned value (e.g. 5 ).


You can pass it easily like this:

<Link to="/my-path#start-position">Go to Start</Link>


pathname: '/my-path',
hash: 'start-position'
>Go to Start</Link>

React router makes it easy to extract the fragment. You can simply access props.location.hash.