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4.06 Lists And State

Bad Practice

First, I will fetch all the persons, so I will reach out to this state persons, and then I want to create a new version of that person’s array. I simply want to call persons splice and I want to start splicing a person index and splice one element. This simply removes one element from the array and thereafter I can call this.setState and set persons to persons to my persons constant which was updated though by splicing one element.

And in case you’re wondering how I can edit a constant, keeps in mind arrays and objects are reference types, so I didn’t assign a new value to the constant, it is only holding a pointer, I only changed the element it was pointing to, that’s just some general JavaScript knowledge though.

deletePersonHandler = (personIndex) => {
const persons = this.state.persons;
persons.splice(personIndex, 1);
this.setState({ persons: persons });


render() {


let persons = null;

if (this.state.showPersons) {
persons = (
{, index) => {
return (
click={() => this.deletePersonHandler(index)}